COVID-19 Impacts on Vermont Rowing
Below are the latest updates from Coach Stripp on where Vermont Rowing stands this season.
Summer 2021
There will be no rowing for the Summer of 2021 for the Vermont Rowing team. The University is still acting under the academic year’s Covid policies and will be carrying them through the summer. As for Fall 2021, the University and Vermont Rowing are expecting to return to pre-Covid practices and policies.
Fall 2020
This fall, the University approved the continuation of practices for the team in small boats (singles, pairs, and doubles). We are fortunate enough to have a fleet of these boats with 4 singles, a pair, and a double. With this limited fleet, the team runs several small practice groups throughout the day. Travel and racing outside of the state has been put on hold until further notice.
The team’s erg room in Mann Hall on Trinity Campus was converted to classrooms and subsequently all ergs had to be moved into storage. At the current time, there is no plan to host any in person winter training given that the University has no designated an alternative location on campus for the team.
Spring 2020
3/31 at 2:00PM; The University has ceased all on campus events and practices through the remainder of the academic calendar. Students living on campus and in the Burlington area are encouraged to move home if it is safe to do so. Vermont Rowing will NOT be holding any practice or attending any regattas for the remainder of the academic calendar. The ACRA also announced the canceling of the 2020 National Championship and has given all member student-athletes and additional year of competition to complete in their 5 years of eligibility. Novices who began in the fall of 2019 have not been granted an additional year of novice eligibility.
3/19 at 1:00PM; The Dad Vail regatta directors sent an email to all teams and coaches announcing the cancelation of the 2020 Regatta. UVM’s president has mandated all University travel and events to be canceled through the end of the academic calendar at this time. Currently Vermont Rowing only holds ACRA National Championship on its calendar which after the end of the academic year. Hotel reservations, transportation and registrations for ACRA have been canceled for the time being in order to follow UVM protocol.
3/17 at 9:23AM; Vermont Rowing received word from the Dad Vail Regatta Committee that the regatta is still moving forward with planning as per usual and remains on the racing schedule for Vermont Rowing. The Committee also indicated that should the regatta be canceled, they would look into organizing an alternative race later on of which Vermont Rowing would be interested in pursuing as an option, pending UVM’s policies and budgetary restraints.
3/16 at 11:00AM; The rowers, coxswains and coaches have all returned from a very successful spring training trip on Lake Lure, NC! The students are still encouraged to return home and continue practicing social distancing. We are hoping to determine what the next few weeks will look like with the hopes to get the trailer unloaded and docks put in before being able to return to practice. At this moment, practices are canceled for the remainder of the month. The team executive board will be holding meetings virtually in order to continue carrying out core team functions and board elections will still be conducted.
3/13 at 3:33PM; The University has suspended all international and domestic travel related to University business and functions. The team is still able to use the bus to return to campus tomorrow (3/14) and then each individual can follow their own plans. We have also learned that the NERC race has been canceled by the QRA and the city or Worcester, MA.
3/12 at 10:09PM; The ACRA is currently assessing the impacts of closures and suspended seasons for all Club Rowing teams involved with the ACRA to determine the status of the ACRA National Championship. No decision is expected for the time being. At the moment, the Dad Vail regatta is proceeding as normal in their planning to host the race according to their website and remains on the racing schedule for Vermont Rowing.
3/12 at 7:19PM; The University of Vermont has decided to suspend all Varsity Athletics for the remainder of the academic calendar. That currently does NOT affect us as a club sport, but we are recognizing the possibility given that several other ACRA programs have followed suit with their Varsity Athletics’ protocols.
3/12 at 11:20AM: Vermont Rowing is following the guidance of the University of Vermont and will not be hosting practices or competing for the rest of March. The races against Skidmore and St. Lawrence and The Vermont Cup against Middlebury have been canceled for the season. As of right now, NERCs, Dad Vails, and the ACRA National Championship are still scheduled as is. Please check back for updates as the situation continues to develop.